1.1 Place-making
When planning new developments, Placemaking contributes to people’s health, happiness and wellbeing. Manual for Streets emphasises the contribution that well designed streets make to achieving good places. Creating a place requires consideration to be given to local character, working with the site and its context, creating well defined streets and spaces that make it easy to find your way around.
Developments should enable people to walk, cycle and use public transport to reach facilities well beyond the site boundary. This may require providing or contributing to off-site improvements, particularly for walking and cycling. Designers are strongly advised to understand the lifestyles, socioeconomic background, crime rates and public health of the site context before proposing any concept design. These social factors should inform the design approach.
Working with stakeholders and the end user is a fundamental part of Place-making and long term place governance. Streets are the most fundamental space that ‘glues’ communities together through play, casual interactions and place keeping schemes. Streets also have the power to connect or divide neighbourhoods. These vital aspects of the community-led role of streets shall be taken into account and carefully considered when designing streets in Nottingham.
Design Criteria
1.1.1 The overall street structure and hierarchy contribute to achieving a sense of place.
1.1.2 The design contemplates how communities will make use of the street for playing, gathering and other neighbouring activities.
1.1.3 The design and delivery process takes into account, and works within the guidelines of the Community Engagement Guide.