Hs.1 General

Hs.1a The dwelling must achieve the Gross Internal Floor Area (GIA m2) and built-in storage area set out by the table on the right as a bare minimum.

Hs.1b Proposals must be submitted as fully furnished layouts and using the NDSS furniture, available for download here: Furniture in AutoCAD.

Hs.2 Bedrooms

Hs.2a Any two or more bedroom dwelling has at least one double (or twin) bedroom. Dwellings without a double bedroom are not permitted.

Hs.2b All single bedrooms have a floor area of at least 7.5m2 and are at least 2.15m wide.

Hs.2c All double (or twin) bedrooms have a floor area of at least 11.5m2.

Hs.2d One double (or twin) bedroom is at least 2.75m wide - and every other double (or twin) bedroom is at least 2.55m wide.

Hs.2e Built-in wardrobes count towards the GIA, but should not reduce the effective width of the room below the minimum widths set out above.

Minimum dimensions for double and single bedrooms. Green dotted lines denote space required around furniture (according to the NDSS).

Minimum dimensions for main double and single bedrooms. Green dotted lines denote space required around furniture (according to the NDSS).



In order to be granted planning permission, any proposed residential layout must comply with the Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS), adopted by Nottingham’s Local Plan. This means dwelling layouts must complying with minimum dimensions, as per the table below on the right, and in compliance with the NDSS design criteria below, as an absolute minimum. A 10% of the total number of dwellings must be Accessibility Level 2, and these must comply with criteria marked as (A2) below.

STUDIO FLATS are not permitted in Nottingham City for uses other than student and/or temporary accommodation (e.g. holidays/hotels and emergency housing). See minimum room and layout dimensions on the right.

PBSA (Student Accommodation) proposals must be adaptable to other uses - including residential use. Applicants are advised to provide the standard planning submission layouts plus additional layouts (e.g. as an appendix), demonstrating how the scheme could be converted in the future. Conversions must demonstrate to be in full compliance with the NDSS.

NDSS Technical Standards, specifications and AutoCAD files.

Extract from the PBSA SPD (Draft, 2024)

Hs.3 Bathrooms

Hs.3.a Five bedroom, 1 storey dwellings must include 1 bathroom and 1 additional WC (or shower room).

Hs.3b Dwellings of 2 and 3 storeys must include 1 bathroom and 1 additional WC (or shower room).

Hs.3c In ‘one bedroom - one person’ dwellings, a shower room can be provided instead of a bathroom, in that case, the floor area may be reduced from 39m2 to 37m2, as shown bracketed in the table on the right. Any dwelling for more than one person must have at least one bath.

Hs.3d Built-in storage areas are included within the overall GIAs and include an allowance of 0.5m2 for fixed services or equipment such as a hot water cylinder, boiler or heat exchanger.

Hs.4 Floor-to-ceiling heights

Hs.4a The minimum floor-to-ceiling height is 2.3m.

Hs.4b Areas with a headroom of less than 1.5m are not counted within the GIA unless used solely for storage.

Hs.4c At least 75% of the GIA must have the minimum floor-to-ceiling height (2.3m). In other words, only 25% of the GIA can be below the 2.3m floor-to-ceiling height mark.

Hs.4d For storage areas with floor-to-ceiling heights between 0.9m and 2.3m, only 50% of this floor area is counted.

Hs.4e When floor-to-ceiling heights are below 0.9m the area is not counted at all.

Hs.4f If the area under the stairs is to be used for storage, assume a general floor area of 1m2 within the GIA.


Hs.5 (A2) Accessibility Level 2

10% of dwellings must comply with the criteria below

(A2) Hs.5a Main access, patio doors and floors must all be level and wheelchair-accessible.

(A2) Hs.5b A 1.2m by 1.2m square area must be made available for future installation of a home lift or hoist. This must connect all floors vertically and it must allow access to the main (accessible) bedroom and to the main (accessible) bathroom.

(A2) Hs.5c All doors must be a minimum of 800mm clear width opening. Corridors must be at least 900mm clear width.

(A2) Hs.5d At least one bathroom, accessible via a home lift or hoist (see NDSS.1.3), must be dimensioned to allow retrofitting to a fully accessible bathroom, including an outwards opening door.

(A2) A 10% of the total number of dwellings must be Accessibility Level 2, and must comply with NDSS.1.3; NDSS.1.4; NDSS.1.5; and NDSS.3.5 as illustrated here. Green dotted lines denote space required around furniture (according to the NDSS).


Adaptable bathroom (A2). Green dotted lines denote space required around furniture (according to the NDSS).