These parameters can secure places that work for people of all ages and abilities, including dementia sufferers.

Nottingham City is working towards becoming a Child Friendly City, these design ethos also contributes to achieving the goal.


Designing for children, the aged and those with dementia

Potential cognitive deficiencies

Impaired rational thinking, judgement and problem solving

Difficulty with memory

Increased sensorial dependency

Fear, anxiety and over-sensitivity to the built and social environment


Potential physical deficiencies





Design objectives

Encourage social connections

Support meaningful activity

Reinforce familiarity

Promote risk taking and choice


Design parameters

Clear place structure: Design grid-like streets with perimeter blocks, in a human scale and for pedestrian priority and low vehicular speed

Legibility: differentiate doors and gates from the context (e.g. with contrast); locate ramps in obvious, visible places; identify doors by using distinctive colours; design places with visual connection; create distinct spaces with a clear function

Memorability: Create distinct access points; for example, with door style/colour, distinctive planting that does not obstructs views and/or canopies above doors

Safety: Design building regulations compliant access features; provide level floors that are non-slip and prevent ponding; allow plenty of natural light; ensure artificial lights are even, antiglare, and do not create strong shadows; avoid automatic lights

Familiarity: Design to allow some level of personalisation; use smell cues from the landscape for wayfinding; identify dwellings with clear numbers and symbols, for example, using familiar shapes like a tree, a duck, a flower etc.

Clarity: Design plain surfaces with no patterns; avoid clutter and provide clear, accessible storage; design calm but stimulating environments; use green and blue tones instead of yellow and red, as these can be difficult to differentiate for the elderly and people with dementia; provide contrast between walls and floors, and steps and landings

Comfort: Provide seating that is comfortable, with back and arms rest every 100-125m and available at every bus stop; ensure plants do no produce fruit or excess of leaves that fall on paths



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