Nottingham City Council expects proposals to begin by considering
passive design and climate mitigation form concept design stage.
Site Planning
The main objective of site planning for passive solar buildings is to consider where to position different buildings and each room/function within buildings – including gardens - making the most of the existing landscape, topography and orientation to achieve the best possible outcome.
The position of buildings on the site can make a huge difference in how the spaces in between buildings feel, both in terms of solar gain and ventilation. Comfortable environments tend to be more successful because people - and other species - tend to spend more time there.
The topography of a site is a crucial consideration. In combination with micro-climatic conditions, it can tell designers a lot about how to best place and orientate buildings and public places.
It is very important to leave the right distance between buildings so that they all receive adequate sunlight. Taller buildings through more shadow and therefore the gap between tall and neighbouring buildings must be increased on the shaded aspect.
The idea in solar passive buildings is to allow as much unshaded exposure in the south aspect as possible during the winter months. However, a good design balances energy performance with other important site factors like micro climatic reasons, the direction of prevailing breezes for summer cooling, the views, the street lay out, environmental noise and so on.
In this section, the position of the tall building allows sunlight to reach lower neighbouring properties.
In this section, the position of the tall building blocks sunlight, leaving some lower neighbouring properties in shadow.
Positioning the building’s long axis facing solar south will maximize solar gain during winter months and limit western exposure in the summer. If an optimum orientation cannot be achieved, designers must explore opportunities to address solar heat gain through design. It is also very important to consider how dominant winds cross the site to take advantage of natural ventilation.
This image shows a building in plan, orientated so it captures as much sunlight as possible. To avoid overheating, other passive design solutions like solar shading and landscaping should be incorporated into the design.
This image shows a site plan with a building orientated to capture the dominant air flow.
When designing on a slope, distances between buildings need to be carefully considered as sunlight will depend on the natural site conditions. Distance between buildings need to be increased on the shaded aspect of the hill.
When designing on a slope, distances between buildings can be shortened on the sunny aspect of the hill. Sites with hills should normally have higher densities on the sunny aspect.
Place rooms used more frequently on the south side for optimal use of natural light during day. Planning room layouts by considering how the rooms will be used in different seasons and at different times of the day, can save energy and increase comfort. In general, living areas and other high-activity rooms should be located on the south side to benefit from the solar heat. Clustering baths, kitchens and laundry rooms near the water heater will save the heat that would be lost from longer water lines. Another general principle is that an open floor plan will allow the collected solar heat to circulate freely through natural convection.
Carefully planned landscaping and planting can aid in maximizing performance of Passive Solar Design and assist with imperfect situations and site problems. Trees and other landscaping features may be effectively used to shade east and west windows from summer solar gains. When a building relies on solar gain as a form of heating, trees located on the south aspect can hinder passive solar performance unless they are very close to the house and the lower branches can be removed to allow the winter sun to penetrate under the tree canopy. A careful study of shading patterns and tree canopies will be required to understand how the design will perform in different seasons; this is no reason to avoid using trees in south aspects, as it should be possible to accommodate them in optimum locations.
This image shows how a combination of orientation and landscape can help resolve both winter cooling and summer overheating. Placing perennial trees to cover sunlight in the summer whilst letting it through in the winter is one of the most effective ways to control heat and also bring a whole range of benefits associated with being in contact with nature and supporting local wildlife.
This section shows how using perennial trees in the right location can help create shading in the hot summer months.
This section shows how using perennial trees in the right location can help solar gain the cold winter months.
Natural light
Windows are essential to achieve two fundamental aspects of passive design: sunlight/heat and ventilation; let’s consider solar light/heat gain first. The best approach is to install energy efficient windows, arranging them with consideration to minimize summer heat gain and maximize winter heat gain. It is important to note that the same large areas of glazing that let heat in during the day can also readily let heat out at night. Thus, some form of night-time protection should be incorporated to minimise any conduction and convection losses through windows. Thick drawn curtains with a pelmet that forms a good seal at the top can be used as well as brise soleil and insulated shutters. Ideally, the glazing on the building should be exposed to sunlight with no obstructions within certain angles, which are determined by local sun paths. A sun and shade analysis might be required to demonstrate how the proposals perform in different seasons.
This building section shows how a lightwell works, a sufficiently wide gap in the form of a courtyard can through light into the rooms facing the space.
This building section shows how an atrium works, a sufficiently wide gap in the form of a courtyard can through light into the spaces facing the centre.
This building section shows how roof monitors or windows can bring light into large spaces, this is an illumination strategy traditionally used in industrial buildings.
This building section shows how reflective blinds work, augmenting the amount of light that enters a room but also protecting from direct sun exposure.
This building section shows how a light ducts work, bringing light into dark spaces in lower levels when windows cannot be achieved.
This building section shows how a clerestory window works, taking light into the rear of a room when traditional windows cannot be used. This is useful to achieve indirect sun light for example in museums, where artefacts might be sensitive to direct sun exposure.
This building section shows how a light shelf works, controlling the position of light entering a room, this is a useful strategy when light is required to reach deep rooms.
This building section shows how external reflectors work, controlling the position of light entering a room, this is a useful strategy when light is required to reach deep rooms.
Configure shading devices, such as eave overhangs or external shading devices to permit low winter sun into building and to keep the high summer sun out. Overhangs are one of the best (and least costly) shade design elements to include in a building. If overhangs are designed according to local sun angles, when the sun is high in the sky in the summer, should be able to shade the room completely. In the winter, when the sun is low, they should allow the full sun to enter, warming the air as well as the floor, walls and other features. Shading devices can also affect the way the air moves and the how the rooms ventilate. There are software options available to simulate the air movement for different design options, documentation like this can be good evidence to support design decisions.
Orientating building openings and outdoor spaces where the would receive plenty of sunlight is a good idea but sometimes overheating can be a problem in hot months. However, shading can be designed to allow the sun through only at certain angles, removing the summer overheating problem.
This section shows how calculating the exact position and angle of solar shading (in this case brise soleil), the strongest sun can be blocked (e.g. summer midday sun).
This section shows how calculating the exact position and angle of solar shading (in this case brise soleil), the soft, pleasant sun can be filtered into a room (e.g. winter sun).
Ventilation is essential to sustain good indoor air quality. Energy efficient, airtight buildings will need a heat/energy recovery ventilation system. Managing how air moves within a building can help control the temperature, humidity and comfort levels in different rooms. The science of natural ventilation can be complex and requires specialist software tests, however, some key principles relate to how air travels across rooms both in a three-dimensional way. Below, some diagrams show how air moves plan and cross section according to the position of windows.
These buildings are making the most of wind patterns; positioning windows in the right locations can hep cross-ventilation, letting more fresh air inside the building.
Section of a room where higher up windows are positioned to allow hot air to escape.
Plan of a room with windows positioned to achieve cross-ventilation.
Plan of a room where smaller windows were placed facing prevailing winds and larger windows were installed on the opposite face of the room to maximise ventilation.
A combination of solar shading orientation and building positioning to capture dominant winds can be used to ensure air flows lower down into the room. This is ideal for sitting activities or gyms, where people could benefit from breeze in hot weather.
A combination of solar shading orientation and building positioning to capture dominant winds can be used to ensure air flows in the higher parts of the room. This is ideal for activities where air movement can be problematic, such as manufacturing buildings, labs and artists studios.
Air Sealing
Supplying a continuous air-barrier surrounding the entire building envelope in contact with the insulation layer, helps minimise loss of heat in winter and heat gain in summer months. Air sealing can be tested at different stages of the construction stage, documentation like this can help achieve a higher environmental performance credential. The difficulty with air sealing is that natural ventilation is not an option and air flow, heating and cooling become more reliant on mechanically assisted systems. Although air sealing produces a more reliant result that can be easily measured in terms of temperature control, it also removes the possibility to adjust the levels of comfort by opening a window. During the Coronavirus pandemic, air some sealed environments and those relying on mechanical means of heating/cooling/ventilation (like some office buildings or cruise ships, for example) became problematic as the best way to prevent contagious environments was known to be natural ventilation. Air sealing can also work in combination with passive design solutions, for example to ensure air can only entre and exist the building through specified points which can be opened and closed as necessary to control room temperature and comfort (see Passive Solar Heating).
Supply a continuous insulation layer, with thickness appropriate to climate, surrounding the entire conditioned space of the building, minimizing loss of heat during winter and heat gain in summer. Fabric-first approach is the best approach to design a passive house. It means building with very high quality materials, to try and reduce the heat losses from the house. This approach provides a simple solution because, by making just small changes to the products used and the construction methods, it is possible to achieve better results at little, or no extra building cost. One typical design error is to leave parts of the building without insulation, which results in thermal bridges. It is very important to eliminate “thermal bridges” (also called cold bridges) in a passive house, creating a good barrier between the inside and the outside, to avoid any heat loss and possible condensation.
The diagram shows how thermal mass works in section, wrapping up the building and protecting it from heat loss/gain.
Insulation that is incorrectly placed around the building foundations can lead to heat gain/loss.
Insulation that is correctly placed around the building foundations can avoid heat gain/loss.
Insulation that is incorrectly placed around the building foundations can lead to partial heat gain/loss.
Insulation that is incorrectly placed around the building foundations can lead to partial heat gain/loss.
Thermal Mass
If solar heat is to be used when the sun is not shining, excess heat must be stored. Materials that can absorb and store heat have high thermal mass and are an integral part of most passive solar designs. Heavy materials such as brick, concrete, tile and stone should be applied in appropriate thicknesses and in the right locations, to insulate the building envelope and to store heat, which can help balance the temperature fluctuations. Colours are also an important factor. Light coloured surfaces will reflect light within the space, distributing it over a greater number of surfaces. Dark coloured materials will absorb most of the incident energy as soon as it strikes. Highly conducting materials will quickly transfer any heat build away from the surface deeper into the material, which means less energy will re-radiation back into the space. In poorly conductive materials the surface will heat up more and will quickly re-radiate most of the heat back into the space. Different materials and material combinations transmit heat in different ways, this can be measured. Thermal transmittance, also known as U-value, is the rate of transfer of heat through a structure (which can be a single material or a composite), divided by the difference in temperature across that structure. The units of measurement are W/m²K. The better-insulated a structure is, the lower the U-value will be. Workmanship and installation standards can strongly affect the thermal transmittance. If insulation is fitted poorly, with gaps and cold bridges, then the thermal transmittance can be considerably higher than desired. Thermal transmittance takes heat loss due to conduction, convection and radiation into account.
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UK government advice for home owners
Homes Nottingham by Nottingham Post
Six different ways in which solar shading can be combined with natural ventilation. The optimum solution is one that considers the angle of sunlight and the site dominant winds.
Passive Solar Heating
Passive solar heating design uses sunshine to heat and illuminate buildings with limited or no mechanical or electrical devices. Heating the building through the use of solar energy involves the absorption and storage of incoming solar radiation, which is then used to meet the heating requirements of the space. A successful passive solar building needs to be very well insulated in order to make best use of the solar energy captured. Materials that insulate well do so because they are poor conductors of heat. Every surface separating the inside from the outside needs some form of insulation. Passive solar design can also achieve summer cooling and ventilation by making use of convective air currents which are created by the natural tendency of hot air to rise.
Passive solar heating strategies should be used only when they are appropriate. They work better in smaller buildings where the envelope design controls the energy demand. Careful attention should be paid to constructing a durable, energy conserving building envelope. Glazing should have low thermal transmittance values (U values) while admitting adequate levels of incoming solar radiation. The south glass in a passive solar building should not contribute to increased summer cooling targets. In many areas, shading in summer is just as critical as admitting solar gain in winter. For large buildings with high internal heat gains, passive solar heat gain is a liability because it increases cooling costs more than the amount saved in space heating; this can also raise the operational carbon count of the building. Natural ventilation in summer can be achieved with operable windows strategically located for cross ventilation. Natural light should be adequate in every room. Some of the most attractive passive solar heated buildings incorporate elements of both direct and indirect gain.
Heat capture areas should ideally be facing due solar south but 30 degrees east or west of due south is also acceptable. Isolated gain, or suns pace, passive heating collects the sunlight in an area can normally be closed off from the rest of the building. The doors or windows between the suns pace and the building are opened during the day to circulate collected heat, and then closed at night, allowing the temperature in the sunspace to drop.
Warm air can move passively from the sun space into the house through doors, vents, or open windows between the sun space and the interior living space. It can also be blown through duct work to other living areas. The shape of the glazing also makes a difference. Although sloped glazing collects more heat in the winter, many designers prefer vertical glazing or a combination of vertical and sloped glazing. Sloped glazing tends to lose more heat at night and can cause overheating in warmer weather. Vertical glazing allows maximum gain in winter, when the angle of the sun is low, and results in less heat gain as the sun rises toward its summer zenith.
This image shows how in the winter, the sun heat is captured and transferred into the main rooms.
This image shows how in the summer, the air flow is controlled to let hot air escape and cooler air to come into the building.
Advantages of passive solar heating
· High energy performance: lower energy bills all year round.
· Investment: a passive solar building does not need to cost more than a conventional one, in fact, a good design can save money. Long term, running costs are lower.
· Value: high owner satisfaction, high resale value.
· Attractive environment: large windows and views, sunny interiors, open floor plans.
· Low Maintenance: durable, reduced operation and repair.
· Unwavering comfort: quiet (no operating noise), warmer in winter, cooler in summer (even during a power failure).
· Environmentally friendly: clean, renewable energy does not contribute to global warming, acid rain or air pollution.