In The Meadows, Nottingham City Council used different materials to create a level surface and dedicated parking areas.

In The Meadows, Nottingham City Council used different materials to create a level surface and dedicated parking areas.

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The specification of appropriate materials, especially edges and demarcations, make a significant difference and can determine the success of a scheme. Materials do not have to be expensive but good workmanship is essential to produce a good result,…

The specification of appropriate materials, especially edges and demarcations, make a significant difference and can determine the success of a scheme. Materials do not have to be expensive but good workmanship is essential to produce a good result, especially if lower grade surfaces - like asphalt - are specified. The images above show how good design and workmanship can deliver great streets.

2.3 Materials & details

It is often the detail at construction stage that lets the quality of the street down. For this reason, Nottingham City Council has decided to introduce a step in the design approval process. Urban Design officers will now form part of the team that evaluates and approves the technical detail stage and site management systems. This is to ensure the design intent for streets is carried forward from concept through to completion.

Streets are often defined as ‘conventional’ if they include a footway. Residential developments must consider shared surfaces. Streets without footways shall be used where the maximum motor vehicle flow does not exceed 40 vehicles per hour and should primarily be designed as social and play spaces, which occasional motor vehicles can use to access homes.

Streets should provide direct frontage access to the buildings and public realm immediately alongside them. This principle also applies to existing streets that border developments. This approach helps to promote social interaction, minimise opportunities for crime, calm traffic speeds and achieve better integration between the street and its environment.

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The images above show lack of thought and misinterpretation of drawn details. On site management needs to consider every aspect of the design, being thoughtful to interpret the plans as intended and requesting clarification when needed.

The images above show lack of thought and misinterpretation of drawn details. On site management needs to consider every aspect of the design, being thoughtful to interpret the plans as intended and requesting clarification when needed.

Design Criteria

2.3.1 Streets are designed with level surfaces in residential environments unless otherwise agreed with City Council officers.

2.3.2 Conventional streets (with footways) are designed for roads where traffic is 40mph or more.

2.3.3 Streets provide direct frontage access to homes for pedestrians and cyclists.