Gable end to window
Habitable room to window
5. Privacy
One of the main considerations concerning planning applications is the impact of proposals on neighbouring properties. Applicants shall consider the position and type of new windows carefully, evaluating the impact and visibility onto their neighbours’ homes and gardens/patios.
It is highly recommended that applicants inform their neighbours about their proposals prior to submitting a planning application. Most complaints received by Nottingham City Council regarding domestic planning applications relate to the lack of communication or information shared, rather than the actual proposals.
Design Criteria
5.1 Proposed extensions are not built too close to the property boundary dominating the neighbouring properties.
5.2 Proposed extensions allow at least 12 metres between new windows and neighbouring blank walls.
5.3 Proposed extensions allow at least 22 metres between new windows and neighbouring principal room* windows.
5.4 Proposed decking and balconies do not overlook neighbouring properties.
* Principal room are habitable rooms (bedroom, kitchen, lounge, dining room, study, etc.)
This sketch shows why it is important to consider privacy and over-viewing.