Nottingham has many period buildings with intricate façades and enhanced front doors. Historically, these were a symbol of status and prosperity. Details were incorporated within the façade composition, and were conceived as an integral part of the building, not as an afterthought or addition.
The Flying Horse Inn building (13th century) has details that were incorporated within the composition of the façade and fenestrations.
In The Meadows, Nottingham City Homes incorporated a chimney-like feature to include sun pipes that illuminate the staircases, reflecting the roof design of the existing adjacent properties and increasing light into the building.
In Trent Basin, the brick bonds were carefully crafted to add interest to the façade.
6. Details
Nottingham has many period buildings with intricate façades and enhanced front doors. Historically, these were a symbol of status and economic growth. Details were incorporated within the façade composition, and were conceived as an integral part of the building, not as an afterthought or addition.
Details can be exquisite when they are of the highest quality but they can also detract from the design if they are not, or if these are not maintained and cleaned regularly.
When details are not appropriate or of poor quality, the entire building and the streetscape are compromised.
Design Criteria
6.1 All details are conceived as an integral part of the design and not as an addition.
6.2 All details are in proportion and in character with the building and its time and place.
6.3 Any detail specified is of high quality and management plans ensure that these will be delivered, installed and maintained by qualified contractors as appropriate.
6.4 Design details are drawn in adequate scale and with comprehensive specifications.