Facades Design Guide engagement event with Hollygirt School
Walkabout in Nottingham City Centre
Housing Design Guide inclusive engagement event
1. Outreach & inclusion
Although it is important to aim for broad representation from the various demographics, engaging in Place-making is a democratic right and people should be entitled to choose whether they want to participate or not. Rather than aiming to prove statistic representation, what is really important is to give everyone equal opportunities to participate and have a voice. Those who work long hours, young families and young people can be underrepresented; these groups are often referred to as the “silent majority”. It is the responsibility of designers and planning officers to open up different communication channels that are suited to the different demographics and lifestyles of the area. It is important to document how every sector of the population was given an opportunity to have a voice and to let everyone know the many opportunities and different ways in which they can participate.
Planning engagement strategies need to consider how they will establish and maintain contact with people of different backgrounds and with different abilities. It is often those who are under-represented or marginalised, or those who have difficulties moving around the city, who can make a richer contribution to the scheme, as they might have experienced the place in different ways.
One of the keys to effective community engagement is good, appropriate communication. Here are some tips:
Apply adequate strategies to reach out to residents, communities and stakeholders
Use appropriate, jargon free language
Give clear and consistent messages
Avoid over-promising and under-delivering
Be clear about existing constraints and feasibility issues
Be honest about the scope and boundaries of participants’ input
Enable one single point of contact to channel any queries
Follow up with information, data and updates during the whole engagement process
Inform the public about the next steps
Engagement Criteria
1.1 Describe how the consultation programme will be advertised, when and why.
1.2 Describe how all demographic groups in the area will be adequately informed and given appropriate, tailored means to participate.
1.3 Show a timeline, table, schedule or programme illustrating the outreach methods and dates; the title of dates and times events and the dates and methods that will be used to give feedback and updates to the public.