Timely updates
6. Communication & follow up
Every engagement strategy must have one single designated point of contact to deal with queries, and a platform where all data emerging from the consultation is gathered. This is essential to avoid misplaced correspondence and to keep a clear consistent message throughout the process.
Communities and stakeholders should be given the same email address, phone number and social media page to find information about the scheme trough the duration of the engagement process. All parties should have access to the same information at the same time.
Communication with the community must be sustained beyond processes or until the Community Engagement Statement is available to the public through the planning portal, so that people can access data and information representing the results of the engagement process and understand how these informed the scheme.
Engagement outcomes and scheme changes must be regularly published through appropriate media, ensuring they reach both participants and those who could not attend. Every form of communication must include clear instructions of how to get in touch and when an answer would be given.
The purpose of community engagement is not only to inform the design of new schemes. Post occupancy consultations can offer valuable feedback about how engagement events and building sites were managed, how the scheme performs and how it fits in in its context.
Engagement Criteria
6.1 A single point of contact has been established for everyone to get in touch
6.2 A dedicated platform has been established to inform and communicate during the design and planning process
6.3 Information about the results of engagement events and how these informed schemes will be updated regularly on a dedicated platform with equal access to all parties, and participants are informed of the time-frames and location of this information