

These are streets in residential areas that serve less than 10 dwellings. Mews prioritise pedestrians and cyclists over vehicles and their design should reflect this. There will be no kerbs and there is no need to provide demarcation of vehicular and pedestrian zones.

DIMENSIONS - 6m to 8m wide

These type of streets have a total width of 6m with the addition of a 2m adopted foot-way on one side if the street connects two places (e.g. is not a dead end for pedestrians). This width allows people to circulate whilst cars are moving at a very low speed; it also allows vehicles to pull to the side to allow passing or overtaking.

It is important to note that driveways and garages located in Mews require a wider access of 3.6m minimum to allow maneuvering.


This is a Mews in Trent Basin, Nottingham. Note how the street zone was separated from the properties with a kerb defining a planter.