Main Streets or Roads


These are large streets that can accommodate regular bus services now or in the future, or that provide the main vehicular access to schools or other public buildings. Roads must be wide enough to allow overtaking and must be planned considering where bus stops will be placed, even if services will not circulate at present; the idea is to future-proof roads.

DIMENSIONS - 9.5m to 10.5m wide

These type of streets have two lanes and a total vehicular width of 5.5m for up to 150 dwellings and 6.5m for more than 150 dwellings. Roads need safe crossings in specific locations where people will be more naturally inclined to cross, for example, where pedestrian paths lead to public buildings, open spaces or public transport networks.

Roads will have adopted footways on both sides; these must be at least 2m wide.


Consider wide pavements where bus shelters might need to be installed in the future.

Crossings along Main Roads must pioritise pedestrians. This image (courtesy of PJA) shows tightened radii to emphasise pedestrian priority.