

These are streets in residential areas that serve up to 50 dwellings. Lanes prioritise pedestrians and cyclists over vehicles and their design should reflect this. Lanes will have no kerbs whenever possible, but they will have clear demarcation of vehicular and pedestrian zones, for example with durable inset materials such as stones or blocks (not paint) fitted at surface level.

DIMENSIONS - 6.8m to 8.8m wide

These type of streets have two lanes and a total vehicular width of 4.8m with a 2m adopted footway in both sides or in one side only (to be agreed with the highways authority). This width allows people to circulate whilst two cars are moving at a very low speed passing or overtaking each other.


This is a quiet lane along a park in Carrington Point, Nottingham. Note how parking was integrated within the landscape. Block paving is only used on straight sections of road with tarmac on curves and well demarcated level footways.